Saturday, June 2, 2007

If nothing else, just listen to the logic

A lot of people who have left Eckankar are just plain angry. They were taken for a ride. They spent their money with good intentions, but were given magic beans. Okay, I'll let them vent. But if you really want to get down to brass tacks, just try to see the logic:

  • There is absolutely NO historical proof of Eckankar. If it really existed since the beginning of time there would be some traces somewhere. But there aren't.
  • Paul Twitchell plagiarized his original books on Eckankar. This is easily provable. Just compare Twitchell's books against those he stole from which were published many years before his books were published. Do you really want to follow an organization and its leaders who base their entire work on a stack of lies and deceptions?
  • Since when do you have to PAY to belong to a religion???
  • Eckankar doesn't make any sense. It is a collection of ideas and teachings from numerous sources riddled with conflicting information. It's not cohesive. Eckankar's answer to this is that you're just not ready to understand. That's right, you are an idiot for using your common sense.
  • Harold Klemp is a former mental patient. Come on! Think about this!
  • Paul Twitchell was a known compulsive liar.
  • You need to study the mind and its capabilities BEFORE you start believing in the Eckankar dogma. You owe it to yourself. The mind is capable of creating delusions that you will swear are real. Don't underestimate the creative power of your mind.
  • Take a good, close look at Harold Klemp. He is NOT NORMAL. Look at his eyes and the way he speaks with pursed lips. His cadence is sickly. His demeanor is ill. He is a sick individual. Any normal person can see this quite clearly.
  • Eckankar claims that all great people from the past were Eck masters or tutored by Eck masters. Isn't this a little suspicious. In many cases these claims are downright stupid and ludicrous because if you know anything about history you will know that those figures Eckankar lays claim to were horrible people, like Alexander the Great and Columbus. These people were butcherous.
  • Eckankar's writings are full of contradictions, ranging from disputes on Paul Twitchell's birth date to where a Living Eck Master is supposed to be born. The teachings say that they are born from a virgin mother. Besides sounding tiresomely familar, the last three Living Eck Masters came from flesh and blood, with mothers who had real names and fathers who worked for a living.
  • Secrecy. What can you say about secrecy. Secrecy is a sign that somebody's up to something that needs to be hidden.


Unknown said...

Great logic. Way to Go!!

Finder said...

Logic based on false information proves, what?

1) Eckankar does not claim it has existed since the beginning of time. Why would it say so when it is so obviously not true? What it does show is that the basic teachings and tenets have existed in one form or another throughout all religious history.

2) After many years of many people scouring the writings of Paul Twitchell, only 1% could be found to be the same as previous authors. Is "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" logical?

3) Membership in Eckankar does not require any payment. There is a suggested donation.

4) While this author thought he must be regarded as an idiot for not understanding, spiritual unfoldment is an individual path. We all have different skills and different baggage to work with. Self-Realization is fraught paradox and requires more than just common sense.

5) About 40! years ago Harold Klemp had an earth shattering experience followed by a very bad day which landed him in jail. Given the choice of possible jail time or being admitted for observation, he chose the later. He was subsequently released as OK after the observation period.

Need I go on? You should see the pattern to this authors "logic" by now, so I'll leave the rest to you.

Advertising said...

I dont who tell you that the membership in Eckankar require money.If you was really Eckist for 12 years,you should know that memberships are free.Don't be confuse between donation and membership.And even if Eckankar is not Good as you re talking about,i don't think that your association or group is better.Using such words ''idiot'',or other bad word just show your level of consciousness.Love to you

Advertising said...

I dont who tell you that the membership in Eckankar require money.If you was really Eckist for 12 years,you should know that memberships are free.Don't be confuse between donation and membership.And even if Eckankar is not Good as you re talking about,i don't think that your association or group is better.Using such words ''idiot'',or other bad word just show your level of consciousness.Love to you

Finder said...


Basic spiritual law mandates that everyone creates and is ultimately responsible for their own reality. That holds true from airy fairy new age self help stuff all the way through to quantum physics.

Some ex-Eckist like this person create and perceive things in a way that, while it appears extremely twisted to us, is theirs to own, live with, and hopefully learn from.

There is no arguing with such ill-informed logic.

Unknown said...

The teachings of Eckankar has helped me to be a better husband. It has also made my wife a better wife.

Classic Rock Video DJ said...

@ Unknown
"Logic based on false information proves, what?"
IT IS NOT LOGIC - nor TRUE = Eckankar teachings.

"1) Eckankar does not claim it has existed since the beginning of time."
YES it does, brought to Earth from Venus - it's in the Shariyat and several books and discourses. - Twitchell and all other LEMs say Eckankar is the REAL DEAL the highest path to God, been here since the beginning - Gakko etc.

'UNKNOWN' SHOULD NOT LIE ABOUT SUCH THINGS - but that is the MO of the "Master" who started it.

@ Unknown
"2) After many years of many people scouring the writings of Paul Twitchell, only 1% could be found to be the same as previous authors."
All Twitchell's books are plagiarised copied materials amounting to 90% (not 1%) of stolen works by others.
30% of DWTM is Charles Haanel texts
60% of The Far Coutnry is Julian Johnson texts.
Most of Stranger by the River is Salig Ram Hazur Maharaj 1860/1896 book Radha Soami Mat Prakash
The Shariyat Ki Sugmad books are all copied materials from Theosophy, Freemasons, Kirpal Singh, New thought, Rosicrucians, Vedanta, and more.

Twitchell Eckankar History Archive directory page

@ Unknown
Is "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" logical?

The ILLOGICAL ASSUMPTION is that there is a BABY worth something in the bath to begin with.


@ Unknown
"3) Membership in Eckankar does not require any payment. There is a suggested donation"
= SOPHISTRY and DECEPTION by playing wiht WORDS.
Eckankar costs a yearly membership fee of $130/year (or used to) Calling it a "donation" does not stop that $130 form being CASH MONEY and a REQUIRED FEE.
Books cost money - attendances to seminars costs money - local eck centers cost money --


1985-02-26 ECKANKAR Articles & Changes - LEM & Successors Corporation Sole

In reference to: 1989-10-14 Dear Mr. Klemp - a letter from Darwin Gross


--- --- ---

From: Archived DGTF website - The Darwin Gross Truth Files

Eckankar Business Registration Details
Non-Profit Organisation Official Documents
Eckankar Minnesota; California; Nevada; Secretary of State
Changes to ECKANKAR Corporation Business Non-Profit Records
Eckankar Inc. Business Entity Files



This corporation is subordinate to and affiliated with The Living
Master and His Successors, A Corporation Sole, organized under the
laws of the State of Nevada, pursuant to the doctrines of a
hierarchical Church. This corporation irrevocably shall be a
subordinate entity in the ecclesiastical organization, under the
direction, authority, and control of the Living Master.



Finder said...

Henosis Sagebrush tumbles again.

Corrections to common misrepresentations and understanding:

Eckankar teaches that the teachings, not the organization, has existed since the beginning of time. Why anyone would say or believe that says something about their gullibility, or their honesty. Eckankar came into being in 1965.

As to the disproved plagiarist claims, see post with results under For some reason people still like to make wild claims but have never actually proved them with totals of side by side comparison like the "Plagiarism Contest" did. Add up all the legitimate plagiarized paragraphs you can find, and divide that number into 22,500. Get back to us with the percentage. :-)I'd bet it will be more than 1%, maybe even 2% :-o

Donations? See for yourself that this attacker is not telling the truth.
There is no charge for membership.

Yes, Eckankar still accepts large and small donations.
Yes, the Living ECK Master is the sole and Soul leader of the organization.
Yes, Darwin stepped aside but later tried to stage a coup.
He failed and started his own organization.

What is it about people who have spent decades and untold hours of their life trying to destroy a spiritual teaching which is based on one's own personal experience? Should his words and links trump your own personal experience? Maybe, if you have had no experience with Eckankar and Eckists. If so check it out:

Why is Eckankar, which simply teaches ways to make God an everyday reality in your life and awaken the God knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart disturb this guy so much for him to make such a gargantuan effort at organizing diss-information?

Maybe this explains it:
The disaffected and the apostate are in particular
informants whose evidence has to be used with circumspection.
The apostate is generally in need of self-justification. He
seeks to reconstruct his own past, to excuse his former
affiliations, and to blame those who were formally his
closest associates." [Bryan Wilson, The Social Dimensions of
Sectarianism, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990, p.19.]